My Aunt Tut makes the best strawberry jam. I don't even like strawberries, (I know, gasp like everyone else who does when I say's a texture thing ok?) but even I love her jam. White bread is transformed by this jam, I'm telling you. If possible, Rob loves this jam even more than I do or anyone else in our extended family for that matter. He could eat the stuff by the spoonful.
Like a kid waiting for Christmas he has been waiting for the Upland Strawberry Festival so we can make jam. See, you can't make this jam with just any strawberries. They have to be the- straight-from-the-garden-fresh strawberries. The thing about this jam is that it's basically crushed strawberries, pure white sugar, and a pectin substance that gives it the jelly texture. That's all.
So Saturday rolled around and we headed off to the Strawberry Festival in "downtown" Upland. Besides the strawberries it is a fun little festival with craft tents, people selling local honey, strawberry shortcakes, and of course the delicious (note sarcasm there) fair food such as deep fried vegetables. Does anyone else see an oxymoron there?
We had the great priviledge of hosting our dear friends Noel & Ashley this weekend so they accompanied us to the festival with their delightful dog, Hagrid.
Here we are on our way to the festival. Ash is planning to conquer the strawberry world as you can tell.
On our way home from the festival with our strawberry loot.
Ash carrying the cherry tomato plants I bought
We got home and began the jam process. Thank goodness Ash was there to take pictures -- our hands were messy! It was a great, fun morning and as you can see, we made quite a lot of jam.
Strawberries waiting to be turned into yummy jam
Ta-da! The finished product and one very happy Rob
We even had enough strawberries left for Rob to decide to make more jam on his morning off today. I came home to three more jars and a clean kitchen. What a husband! He has decided we must make it last as long as possible, so if you want your own jar....well, you might have to fight Rob for it, or go make your own.
Oh and over the weekend we also went to Cincy for Rob's cousin Ross' high graduation party...Congrats Ross!