Growing up we didn't celebrate Halloween in our house. Instead, my parents would take us out of school on Halloween and we would go on a family trip. We went to places like the Statue of Liberty, Gettysburg, the Crayola factory and other such places that would have some kind of "educational" value. I still cherish those memories of our annual family Halloween trip.
Now that I'm a parent I still don't really like the idea of Halloween and someday I know we'll cross the trick or treating and dressing up bridge with our kids, but with Liam being so little, he doesn't really know what's going on, so I figured this year it was pretty harmless to dress him up. At one of my baby showers a friend gave me a chicken costume that was hilarious, but I thought it was too big for him. So I traded the costume with a friend for her son to wear (who coincidentally is also named Liam) and she found me a pea pod costume at a garage sale for my Liam.
We are invited to a costume party in a few weeks, but we didn't really have costume plans for Halloween itself yesterday. We ended up having a game night with our small group and I took the pea pod costume along for Liam since the other Liam would be there in his chicken costume and we wanted photos. When it came time to actually put Liam in the pea pod I was shocked to find that it didn't fit him! I couldn't get his other arm in the sleeve, nor could I actually zipper the costume. Target apparently doesn't factor in 10 pound plus newborns when they make baby costumes.
The failed pea pod. That's as far up as the zipper would go.
Before the other Liam gave up his chicken costume for us. Two chickens and an ill fitting pea.
Thankfully the other Liam was gracious enough to give back the chicken costume and of course it fit our big boy just fine. Rob even texted me today to ask how the "chubby chicken" was doing. Really, he is just so precious, and yes, I'm a little biased.
Mommy and her sweet chubby chicken
A close up. Rob used this photo today to encourage his students before they took a test telling him their "mascot" was cheering them on.
Now the only question that remains is what should Rob and I go dressed as to compliment our chicken to the party we're invited to in a few weeks? Suggestions are welcome. :) We were going to go as a steak dinner (Rob as a steak, me as mashed potatoes and Liam as the peas) but obviously that won't work now!