Recently we've been busy! I'm freelancing again for my old job, and while it is not exactly my desire to be doing the tedious work, we see it as God's provision at a time when Rob doesn't have a summer job. It works out well with our schedule too that Rob can take Liam for longer periods of time so I can work. Rob has some tutoring work too so we're thankful for that as well.
Recently we realized these past few weeks are the first we've had since Liam was born that we've had some downtime as a family. When you're in school like Rob is, weekends and evenings aren't downtime and even when he did stop working he was still thinking about school. We've been having some conversations about how we want to have more fun as a family and what that looks like with Liam in the picture now. We're ready to enjoy this summer together as a family.
Recently we took a trip over to Cincinnati to visit Rob's family. It was a girls and guys weekend, so Rob and his dad took an overnight golf trip while I enjoyed some time with my mother-in-law and sisters-in-law. I got a facial and we all got pedicures while Liam enjoyed time with a babysitter. We had a lovely weekend visiting with them.
Liam chilling with Aunt Kayla
Being a cheeser man with both his aunts
Liam and mama
Liam was more aware of their two dogs this visit. The little dog, Chloe, was so scared of Liam though. She could not figure out what this little creature was!
Wearing a silly hat that made him look like a backwoods mullet man
Recently I've been reading my first science fiction novel (thank you Julia), Ender's Game, and to my great surprise I'm enjoying it tremendously. It's quite a shift from the three books in one volume of Anne of Green Gables I recently finished, but it's a very thought provoking and interesting read.
Recently Rob discovered Liam has a blister underneath his enormous big toe which I believe came from how he crawls. He has mastered the army crawl, but instead of pushing forward with all his toes, he only pushes forward with his big toe. And he is fast. Do not get between this kid and his two favorite toys, a toy cell phone and cups in any form. He is obsessed with cups.
Don't mess with my cell phone papa
And most recently, we had the joy of hosting our good friends Lindsay and Christian and their daughter Eadie. They were gracious enough to make the long drive from Cedar Rapids, Iowa to visit us this weekend. We enjoyed great conversation, three games of Settlers, playtime in the park, hiking nearby, dinner out while the kids were with a babysitter and more. It was so fun to meet Eadie (she just turned a year old and this was the first we've met her) and watch our kids interact together. We are thankful for our friendship with them.
Liam and Eadie meeting for the first time.
This photo cracks me up
Liam really likes the swings at our nearby park
The guys and their kids

Liam cashed out on Rob's back during our hike. How can it be comfortable to sleep like that?

Love this girl!

Awkward family photo shoot
Recently too, the Lord continues to be merciful and kind to us, including protecting us from a tornado that touched down only a few miles from us. He is a great protector and provider and we are thankful for that.