Wednesday, April 11, 2012

In other news...

This post might come across like the evening news - tidbits here and there, but not much to chew on. Just roll with it.


As you know Easter has come and gone and as usual I'm days behind writing and also as usual, my pictures are not very good. Oh well, we had a good day and that's probably what matters the most. We couldn't be with family, but we were with our church family and that made the day happy. We had a wonderful church celebration ending with the Hallelujah Chorus complete with orchestra. After the service we always have an Easter feast. It is so comforting to know that if we can't be with our families on Easter that we can still have a meal that includes ham and cheesy potatoes and not leftovers that we probably would have eaten at home. We talked a little bit with Liam about Easter, but I don't think he understood. He did enjoy the Easter eggs from my mom though, thinking they were balls to throw around.

Rather poor family photo with the timer as we were rushing out the door to church


We discovered yesterday that Liam has a walnut allergy. I noticed months ago when he ate some pesto made with walnuts that he developed a red rash around his mouth. It wasn't anything serious and I didn't think much of it. However, yesterday I made a walnut crusted chicken (which Liam happily gobbled up) and he broke out in a hive like rash down his neck and around his mouth. It was serious enough that I called the doctor, but by the time I got through it had died down and we gave him some Benadryl and he was fine. He's never had that kind of reaction though to peanut butter, the only other kind of nut he's come in contact with. Providentially, we had his 18-month appointment today and I was able to ask the doctor what to do. He said most kids are actually allergic to only one nut, but it's hard to tell at this age. He suggested waiting a year to give Liam any more walnut products and then try to introduce it again slowly to see what happens. It's strange to think of having a kid with allergies and having to be more watchful, but I'm honestly not that concerned about it.


We've had gorgeous weather this spring so far. It has been cooler the past few days, but before that we were spending hours outside every day. Liam has officially developed a farmer's tan and I already have a watch tan line on my arm too. We've been doing lots of bubbles, going to the park, playing with friends on the playground and digging in the dirt.

Bubble beards are the best!


One of Liam's favorite activities is helping mama "mix" in the kitchen. As soon as I pull out my KitchenAid, he goes for his chair to stand on next to me. He is getting very good at dumping things in the bowl, but still doesn't quite understand that flour is not very tasty. It's fun to play in though!


I've been working my tail off helping to get ready for our big kid's consignment sale at church. I love that now that I'm a mom I can still use gifts God has given me to help the church and our mom's group. Event planning was always something I enjoyed at my old desk jobs and now I get to do it again. This is my third year on the planning committee and it just keeps getting better. If you live anywhere in Indiana and think it might be worth your time, check out our website here.


And speaking of being a mom, this blog post today got me in a good way. I think I've been trying to say what Rachel said in this post for months now and couldn't quite get the words together. I'm thankful she did. These little days and moments, they are actually big and so often I let myself, my busyness and my sin get in the way.


Finally, I think we have a future pilot on our hands. Or maybe a builder (big lego blocks are a favorite these days), or an engineer (train tracks), or an author (books!), or a vet (doggies are his absolute favorite), or maybe just a sweet, silly little boy who loves anything that is mama and papa's.


That's all for now! Come back soon for more fun at the Bedinghaus house.