Consequently, we've spent a lot of time inside trying to keep Liam entertained. I think we're both missing our daily walks to the park...
That time will return again, but in the meantime, here's a few shots of things that have kept us entertained.
This bunny came to visit our backyard one morning
We spend a lot of time at this spot on the dining room floor racing trucks and taking animals for rides.
Building Lego forts
Hanging out with Thomas, Captain and Diesel in the bathtub.
This is what my floor looks like alll dayyyy long. I'm pretty sure I'm going to stab my foot on some car any moment.
These are Liam's other pals...Thomas and Hank.
He gets pretty excited about his trains!
This is one of my joys of January. A beautiful paper white plant that was a Christmas gift from my mom. I've enjoyed watching it grow from the bulbs to just starting to bloom.
And, in case you are tempted to believe that all we do is play all day, I will tell you that you would be incorrect. There are always dishes, cleaning, chores, emails to write, etc., etc. There are also epic naptime battles from a certain little man who refuses to lay down in bed. Let me just say I've been glad the past few days that he is still in his crib! This is life and it is a good life, but not without the challenges a toddler brings.
How have you been spending your January?