Saturday, June 14, 2008

Blooms and Berries Festival

Those of you who know me know that I really don't like strawberries. It's not so much a taste thing, more a texture sort of thing for me. I always think the squishyness in my mouth feels gross. Anyways, those of you who know Rob know that strawberries are one of his all time favorite things.

So of course, when the Blooms and Berries strawberry festival comes to town, we go. I will say that I really did want to go because I love our little town and like to support the activities they put on. Plus, it's an absolutely gorgeous summer day with not a cloud in the sky -- one of those days you have to be outside. Bonus: we walked from our house and saved gas, never a bad thing.

You know you're at a festival, particularly in the midwest, when the first two food vendors you see are fried vegetables (definitely an oxymoron there) and huge, hand breaded tenderloin sandwiches. While we didn't partake in either we did buy a lovely little pot of flowers and two quarts of strawberries for us and three quarts for my boss and his family.

Overall, a beautiful day enjoying our little town and the abundant fruits. And yes, I did eat a few strawberries, but only after they were cut up and covered in sugar. :)

Rob proudly displays our finds of the day


Kirk and Chrissie said...

so fun! we almost drove up there for that great festival, but decided against it. looks like you guys had a blast!

Ashley said...

This is great! You're going to collect so many cool activities over the year with this blog! This is so fun!
And heck yeah! Fried tenderloin, all covered in mustard, a family favorite of mine! YUM!

Ashley said...

Plus, I love and can tell that in your tone, you're finding these cultural goodies to be endearing. Whereas, I think when original culture shock set in a few years ago, it was just like...what, gravy on a biscuit! These people are nuts! Whereas now its more like, Yeah, just look at Indiana being Indiana, isn't it just so Indiana! Ha!

Noel and Ashley said...

I am done knowing about blooms and berries...bring on the main event! ha:)