Saturday, January 3, 2009

Frozen Pipes & Christmas: An Update

I'm sure you've all been on pins and needles waiting to hear how our pipes situation turned out. (ok, maybe not, but I like to think that you were. Actually you were probably more glad it didn't happen to you!) You'll be glad to know we came home on Thursday evening to pure, clean, running water! I've never been so glad in my life to see running water. 

Apparently the whole repair part was quite an ordeal while we were gone, so while I felt bad we just up and left to go to PA on Christmas Eve day, I was really glad not to be here while they fixed everything. After I blogged last they discovered they could not go far enough in the crawl space hole to actually reach the bust pipe. On to Plan B. Which was, dig a hole through the outer wall of our house and come up under the bath tub to get to the pipe. Rob and John tried that way long enough to discover you can't exactly dig through a concrete wall. Out with that plan. Plan C they were discussing when we left was to rip out the entire bathroom floor and go in that way. I know they didn't go with that way because our floor is still intact. Plan D eventually won out -- cut a hole under the dryer and go up under the tub that way. Whew. That must have worked because the water came back on. 

When Rob and I came home Thursday night we walked into the kitchen and found this: the culprit pipe. To think, that little split is what gave us such a headache. How nice it was of our plumber to leave us that little gift! 

He also left us the gift of lots of dirt, which we are still finding. Dirt in the bathtub, coating the toilet, on the bathroom walls, covering the kitchen floor, in the sink, on the dishes, in the carpet, even inside the washing machine! I have no idea how it go there. Thankfully we had lots of water to clean it up with. :) 

Overall we had a great Christmas in PA and I was actually really glad we could go on Christmas Eve and be with my parents and Luke on Christmas day. We missed Ben in Argentina of course, but he sent us some great gifts so that was fun. It's so nice to go to PA and be pampered by my mom. She's the best at pampering. She completely redid my childhood bedroom so that was great for Rob and I. Slightly strange to sleep with my husband in the room of my childhood, but good too. 

We spent a few days up at my cousin's cabin in central PA. Lots and lots of family so we hiked, played tons of games, and even pulled taffy, a family tradition. Very labor intensive, but makes the best taffy! 

My parents pulling -- they are pros! 

My cousin Allison and I trying our hand. Once you get the rhythm down it's easy and fun to pull

Ta-da! Our finished product waiting to be cut and wrapped. 

Some of the family hiking (notice master hiker Marco with his yellow boots and walking stick. What a pro!) 

We're master hikers too. :) 

Now it's 2009 and I'm ready for life to get back to normal I think. I guess we'll always remember how our 2008 went out with a burst rather. Happy new year!

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