Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Last Days

Just wanted to post a quick update on what has been going on with us these past few weeks. Both Rob and I have until Friday at our jobs and then we are voluntarily unemployed. I'm definitely not looking forward to the loss of a paycheck, but the thought of sleeping in on a Monday morning....well, that's a lot nicer to think about.

It is so strange to think about leaving a job I have spent more time at than anywhere else for the past two years. Seriously, I'm there more hours than I sleep every night (sidenote: it is quite amazing that we humans have time in our lives for anything else besides working and sleeping when you really think about how many hours of your day you devote to those two things!)

But I digress. I don't think the reality that I'm leaving this job has set in yet and perhaps it won't for a few more weeks. It's definitely bittersweet because I've enjoyed this job and have learned so much, but I can tell it's time for me to move on and let someone else have a chance to push Grant County forward. When I started I didn't even know what the words "economic development" meant so I guess just being able to define that means I've learned something. :)

It's been a good journey and I'm ready for the next adventure. For a long time (as most of you know) I was very upset and anxious about moving to Bloomington. But through a lot of prayer and processing I have moved into the camp that this is an exciting challenge for us with lots of potential for growth for us. Plus, living over 6 years in Upland...well, the cornfields do get a bit old after awhile!

The other thing about all this is we're not leaving Indiana! So I'll be sure to keep you posted on all our upcoming adventures in this great state. Thanks for coming along with us.

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