Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Whew - where does time go? Seriously - somedays you think it can't move any slower, and then suddenly you look at the calendar and it's ten days until Christmas. I could really use a silent night right now. Or a winter wonderland because then I'd probably get a snow day from work. Maybe.

So I thought I'd just ramble a bit in this post and give you a quick once over on what's been going on with us in the past few weeks:

End of the semester for Rob: Oh my - this is a huge praise today. Rob took his only final this morning and spent the rest of the day grading his kiddo's (his students - I call them his kiddos) final exams too. He said at dinner tonight he is going to sit on the couch all day tomorrow and do nothing. I think he totally deserves that too - he's worked so hard. Tonight we celebrated with a bottle of wine and are making sugar cookies now.

It's so exciting to have one semester behind us. I think we grew in our marriage this semester, recognizing how we can't take time together for granted and how we really have to plan to have quality time over quantity time. It hasn't always been easy, especially the past two weeks, but we have such a great support network here and a marriage that is intentional so we're in a good place.

Christmas! I still can't believe it will be here soon. I'm still not sure I'm completely in the "christmasy" mood, but I think having Rob done with the semester will really help. I have some shopping done, most of my Christmas cards sent out and now cookies in the oven. We're heading to Pennsylvania on Christmas day and that's what I'm really looking forward to. I miss my family so much and can't wait to spend days with them.

My job: This is probably the most uninteresting thing I have to talk about. Today was not fun - I was tired and didn't have many projects which makes the day go slow. I just don't know what to think about this job - it feels stuck and I feel stuck in it. Nothing has been said about making me a full-time employee of the company and I'm not sure how to feel about that either because I really don't think I want to work for this company long-term. On the other hand things like a raise and health insurance would be really nice....So we'll see. The job is a good lesson in perseverance though!

The Sing Off: I'm really into this four night show on NBC. We're watching it right now in fact. It's a competition show between eight a cappella groups with no band, no back up singers, just their voices. It's really amazing actually what people can do with their voices. It's definitely something different to watch these days.

Well, it's time for icing cookies so I'm out for now. Maybe I'll post some photos later!

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