Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Coconut Robot

Hello to all my friends who are mommies and who read my blog! Just wanted to pass along a great blog + company, Coconut Robot. A friend of ours from Taylor, Kacia, is the brains and beauty behind the most adorable baby booties and other stuff too that she makes. Everything is so sweet and personal for your baby.

Right now she's having a giveaway that you can enter by becoming a fan of hers on Facebook, on Twitter, by subscribing to her blog and by blogging about her giveaway on your blog (like I'm doing now :)

For more information about Kacia and Coconut Robot and the giveaway check out her blog here or just click on the button below.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are SO sweet, Kate!! [I hope you win!!] + the more people that enter... i'm going to up the amount of winners + what I give away! so it's a win win!!

:O) I cannot WAIT until your little baby makes an entrance into the world!! :O) I'm hoping to make it to Indiana sometime this fall - so I'll definitely keep y'all posted!! I'd Love to see you! +I love keeping up with your life thru your blog: so keep it up!!
