Saturday, February 5, 2011

Research Partners

I left Liam with Rob today to go to the grocery store and Goodwill (50% off everything the first Saturday of the month!) and when I came home I heard Rob upstairs talking as he worked. I was confused who he was talking to because I was sure Liam was sleeping since I'd been gone so long.

But no, this what I found when I went up to Rob's office:

Liam was sitting on Rob's lap "helping" papa do his research coding work. It was really sweet to see them sitting there, listening to jazz music and working together. In spite of being awake for almost two hours, Liam was happily sitting there with him. I think he will be a scholar like his papa someday!


Suzie Yoder said...

very cute!!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, that totally melts my heart.

The other day Eadie ran
"guy" errands with Daddy, which included a trip to the hardware store. I wish I had a picture of that! :)