Sunday, July 17, 2011

Jungle Garden

In the past month and a half or so, we've gone from having a garden like this...

to this!

I think Rob and I were a little overzealous when it came to our garden and even more naive about how big tiny seedlings will get. We planted two tomato plants, some zucchini and butternut squash, one garden bean plant, basil and cilantro all in our three by six raised bed. Even since we took this photo our squash has moved further out into the yard. I think we need to measure how much it is growing by the day.

We've enjoyed our garden so far even if we haven't seen the full harvest yet. We are hoping for some tomatoes here soon. We've had a few beans and plenty of basil which we made into delicious pesto.

And my flowers are doing wonderfully too and all coming up pink which I love. Pink cosmos and zinnias to start with and then the morning glory is just starting to bloom. It loves climbing the fence and the gate.

Starting out with seeds...

To now (and even more since I took this photo a few days ago)

Rob mentioned the other day that when we (hopefully!) have a larger yard in the future that it would be fun to put in a big garden. I agree, especially if our garden always does as well as this one!

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