Sunday, February 19, 2012


Apparently there are actually people out there reading this blog - thanks! Two friends nominated me for this blog award/challenge, so I thought I'd take some time to respond. I do enjoy reading the blogs of people I know (and some people I don't know), especially friends who are far away.

1. Thank the person (people) who nominated you. Erica and Chrissie, thanks! I know both of these girls from my Taylor days -- yay English Hall -- but now we all live far apart. It is so fun to read both of your blogs and see your sweet babies. I always appreciate your honesty and joy you have about motherhood, being a wife, daughter, etc. I definitely think we should have a visit sometime I am in Pennsylvania!

2. Share Seven Things About Yourself.
Oh my. This takes me back to the early days of email when those emails would go around asking random, time-wasting questions. What is the last thing you said? What did you eat for lunch? And then we'd forward them onto our friends. Why? I have no idea. You know you were there too. Ok, here goes...
1. I eat oatmeal with blueberries, cinnamon and brown sugar every morning. Seriously, if I don't eat this I get hungry pretty quick.
2. I crave salty food over sweets. I would much rather have french fries or Doritos over cookies, etc.
3. I'm usually reading at least three different books at the same time.
4. If I could have one wish granted, I would wish that I would wake up every morning already showered, makeup on, dressed and ready to go.
5. I process things best by writing them down.
6. I am by nature an introvert. This doesn't mean I'm shy or anti-social, it just means I don't get energy from being with people. I like to have my own time to recharge and have one-on-one friendships more than big groups of friends.
7. I love to cook, but wish I could do it a lot better and be more adventurous in my cooking.

3. Share your favorite blog posts in the following categories:
Most Beautiful: I'm obviously biased, but Liam's birth was the most beautiful thing of my life.
Most Helpful: Ferberization!
Most Popular: Based on comments, the announcement that we were having a baby was the most popular post.
Most Controversial: Ha - my thoughts on Twilight...
Most Surprisingly Successful: How our nursery turned out
Most Underrated: Come on people, this CD is the best!
Most Pride Worthy: Our Christmas crafts this year.

4. Nominate Seven Other Bloggers
You are all amazing and I'm happy to share your blogs! No pressure -- I actually turned Erica down the first time she asked me! It is a fun way to go back through your blog and share some blog love.


Kirk and Chrissie said...

Love it! I miss seeing you more often. And yes, I do faithfully read your blog.

Suzie Yoder said...

it is nice to find out people read your blog, isn't it? I kinda forget (a few) people read what I write. I love reading your updates on Liam. Thanks for nominating mine, which lets me know you read it too! :) Miss you!