Tuesday, March 12, 2013

It's Baby Time Again!

I've been carrying a little secret around inside of me for about 12 weeks now, so I figured it was time to share here. Many people know about this little secret, but we are so happy we want everyone to know! I wanted to come up with some cute way for Liam to tell you all, but lets be real, that just isn't happening. I've waited long enough. The big brother book photo will have to do for this time around. 

As those of you who read our blog know, we've been trying to have another baby since about when Liam turned one. You also know about our miscarriage last May and the subsequent ups and downs of each month that followed. There were some dark days in there. But, in God's mercy and kindness to us, He has seen fit to open my womb again and bless us with this child. Of course we are delighted and I praise God everyday for the gift this child has already been to our family. He or she has been such a great reminder that each day we have with our children is a gift, no matter if it's two weeks in utero or 60 years on earth together. 

To share some more about the past 12 weeks I thought it might be fun to do some old-fashioned Q&A. Just pretend that you and I are drinking tea and talking together. (Only I hope I would be a lot less self-focused!) 

When did you find out about this baby? 
We found out January 16. I had been tracking my cycles using the method from Taking Charge of Your Fertility for awhile and could tell this cycle was different. It was actually normal! I knew the morning I took my test that I was pregnant, even though the line was very faint. 

When are you due?
I haven't been to the doctor yet because we're still working out our insurance, but according to my calculations, I'll be due around September 25th. It's interesting that I will be pregnant almost exactly the same time frame as I was with Liam which is really nice for things like maternity clothes. 

How have you felt emotionally about this baby? 
The first weeks were hard and I was fearful about going through another miscarriage. I had to read a lot of scripture about fear and try to pray throughout the day to ask God to help me not be fearful and trust Him. I took each day as it came and was grateful for small signs like nausea. I kept saying if my head was in a toilet I would still be thankful! And that's true. Thankfully, that hasn't actually happened! 

How have you felt physically? 
I feel almost exactly as I did with Liam, which I am encouraged by. I am hungry, hungry, hungry all the time, but food itself doesn't sound good to eat. I feel sick when I don't eat though so I have to keep eating. I want salty, salty and crunchy food. Also french fries. Which I am resisting because I do not want to gain 60 pounds, but oh man, that craving is intense. I also strangely cannot make salad. Something about the act of making a salad just makes me want to throw up. I could eat it if someone else makes it, but I can't do it myself. I told my mom that and she said the exact same thing happened with her when she was pregnant with one of us. Very strange! Overall, there have been some rough days, especially with trying to take care of Liam and get some rest in the daytime, but I am not as sick as many of my friends so I'm very thankful for that. 

Are you going to find out the sex of this baby?
Yes! If he or she cooperates when the time comes. We didn't find out with Liam and I am so glad we didn't. That was the best (even though I knew he was a boy!) This time around I think we want to do things a little differently, plus it will help us do some planning of space in our home, etc. I am convinced this baby is another boy and I think it would be very kind of God to give us a friend for Liam. If I am completely honest, I'm also really scared about raising a girl, so I do wish for a boy. But, all that being what it is, it is something completely out of my control and I am thankful for that. God knows best what our family needs and he will be kind to give us that child. 

What about names?
We already have names picked out (it wasn't hard!) and I think we will share the name if/when we know the sex. Again, just doing something totally different than Liam. 

What does Liam think of the baby? 
He is so funny. If you ask him if he wants a baby brother or a baby sister he says, "I want a baby brother and a baby sister!" Then he shouts out, "Twins!" I am very hopeful that he doesn't have the gift of prophecy. Eek! As a little girl I always wanted to have twins. Now that I'm a mom with a toddler I see that as almost an impossible undertaking. I don't know if he really understands what is going on, but we talk about the baby a lot and how helpful he is going to be as an big brother. He is very excited to introduce the baby to all his cars and trucks and Thomas trains. 

I am so excited to share this wonderful news with all of you. I know you will support us, pray for us and encourage us through these months and through whatever happens down the road. God is so faithful to answer prayers and bring us through trials that seem never ending. I am thankful for the fruit that came from our time of trying and trying and waiting. Is there anything sweeter than waiting patiently on the Lord and seeing him answer prayers? I don't think so. 

Thanks for sharing in our joy! 


Logan Yoder said...

I love all of this conversation! I am so excited to have a new niece/nephew!!! We are praying for you!

Kate said...

Congrats Kate :)

Anonymous said...

I loved reading this post! So thrilled for you and wishing you a happy and healthy remainder of your pregnancy!

Kirk and Chrissie said...

I am so so so happy for the Bedinghaus family! God is good and faithful!

Jan Lehman said...

What wonderful news! Congratulations!