He is risen! He is risen indeed! Christ the Lord is risen today, alleluia.
I love Easter. It is definitely my favorite holiday and I always look forward to it every year. I think it is my favorite because of the fresh reminder of Christ's death and resurrection and his payment for our sin. It is such a sorrowful, but joyful holiday with so much meaning.
I was excited for Liam's first Easter this year, but it didn't really go as I hoped. Yesterday was one long whine from him as he is working on getting his top two teeth. I can see them there, breaking through, but they haven't come all the way through yet so he is miserable. He is running a low fever which may or may not be related to his teething. This morning when he woke up I wasn't even sure we would go to church because he woke up screaming which is very unlike him. But he calmed down and we went to church and had a lovely service and church meal afterwards. If we couldn't be with our immediate families, it was good to be with our church family.
I hope wherever you were for Easter that you took time to remember and praise God for sending his son as a sacrifice for our sins. He is a merciful God to us and deserves all the glory.
A quick photo with the timer before we walked out the door to church. Kind of awkward, but at least we got a photo! And yes, as usual we match...
I couldn't help but add this photo from the week. Liam is sporting one side of a carrot fu-man-chu mustache and crazy eyes.
I love that you guys all match :). Happy Easter to you guys! We must hang out soon!
First of all, you look really pretty in your easter shot. Liam looks like he's 4.
Read about a teething remedy- wet part of a washcloth and put it in the freezer. He can chew on the frozen part. You probably already knew that, but it sounded pretty smart to me!
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