Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sweet Sunday

Sundays are full days in our house since we go to Sunday school, church service, small group lunch and often hanging out with friends in the afternoon/evening. We are so thankful for our church family here in Bloomington and the solid teaching we receive that it often feels like Sundays are just one big hang out day with people we love.

This morning before we rushed off to our full Sunday we took a moment to take a photo before church. The sweater Liam is wearing was one of the only things I bought him before he was born and I wanted him to wear it before it got too warm. If you remember we called him 'Baby B' before we knew if he was a boy or a girl. I found the sweater at a garage sale and it was fairly gender neutral (although now I think it's more for a boy) and had a big "B" on it. The tag says it's a 12 month sweater, but it fits him now so I'm guessing it shrunk somewhere along the way! He's really not that big yet. He looked so cute with his sweater and khaki's on his way to church.

Since no one else was there to take our picture we just traded. I, of course, wanted my daffodils in the photo. :) Mom helped me plant those the days she was here before Liam's birth back in October and it was a joy to see them come up this spring. Funny to think now of being enormously pregnant out there planting tulip and daffodil bulbs! But the work is worth it now.

I hope you had a blessed Sunday like we did and are ready for a new week ahead.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I love his sweater :)