It's been awhile since I've updated Liam's stats, but since we had his fifteen month appointment this morning, it seemed fitting to blog about.
He is definitely a toddler now with a host of words and capabilities. His favorite words are "ball" (he knows various kinds too -- soccer ball sounds different than basketball), "cracker", "cheese", "vacuum", "hi", "choo-choo" (for the train we can hear from our house), "doggie" and many more I can't think of right now. Interestingly, the only animal sound he can make is a crow - "caw caw caw" because we have them everywhere outside our house this winter (gross). This morning all the blinds were drawn and he heard a crow outside and was able to make the sound. It constantly amazes us how much he can understand, even though he can't repeat it back. He also knows when he is being disobedient and obedient too. He can do a lot of "chores" around the house including helping to take the laundry in and out of the washer and dryer, put his toys away, pick up things he pulled out of a cabinet and help set the table.
He is still a wanderer around the house, but he is getting better at sitting down and playing with toys. He loves tractors, school buses, trucks, trains and especially the garbage truck when it goes by. That is a big deal to watch out the window. He loves to sit and look at books and have me read to him too so that is fun to do. Our mornings are much longer now that he is only taking one nap right after lunch. He still isn't the best napper, so a good nap for him is an hour and a half. But he sleeps usually 11 and a half to 12 hours straight at night so I can't complain about that! It was definitely more of an adjustment for me dropping the morning nap than for Liam. I do miss having a little more quiet time in the day.
At the doctor today he got an A+ so that is always encouraging. He only weighs 22.8 lb, but he is 32 inches tall. He has consistently been in the 25 percentile for weight and 75 percentile for height for about a year now so the doctor is not concerned at all about his weight. He does eat a lot, but he is busy, busy, busy and has a tall papa so I think this is just how he is going to be.
He is such a joy to us and we do have a lot of fun. We are certainly in a time of him pushing boundaries with us and us needing to be firm and loving in disciplining him. It is good to see him responding to discipline though and growing into a little boy. We continue to pray for wisdom as we raise him and teach him in the Lord.
Here are some fun photos I took the other day. One of his favorite things to do is climb up on this chair (there's an ottoman he can climb on) and sit there. He talks and laughs and squirms and then climbs down and back up again. I was making funny faces at him from behind the camera and he thought it was hilarious.
He looks so old! Such a cutie! Love you!
i think those are the first pictures that I think he looks like you, kate. especially the last one
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