Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Skills

This week has seen the advent of some of Liam's new toddler skills, some of which I was able to capture on camera.

1. Sharing. Liam is starting to move past the "parallel play" stage and into understanding more about sharing toys with friends. I was encouraged this week when after taking a toy away from a 6-month-old friend and being disciplined for it, he went back and gave Caleb multiple other toys and didn't try to take those away. Progress people.

Playing (and sharing) with baby Caleb

2. Playing the piano. We don't have a piano, but while visiting two different friends this week Liam got to "play" their pianos. Both friends said he did a great job (I wasn't there) being gentle with the keys, but having fun hearing and making music. We hope Liam does develop a love for music!

Bethany snagged this shot of the cheeser piano player

3. Climbing. As he's gotten taller, Liam has been much more interested in climbing on things. I totally understand now why preschools and daycares have so many jungle gyms and things to climb on! Kids really do love to climb. Today he figured out how to climb up on one of our dining room chairs. After one small bonk on the table, he went back at it and figured out how to climb safely. I'm of the mindset that kids, especially boys, need to learn how to take calculated risks like climbing and not be scared or foolish. Too bad though right now it is winter because parks are ideal for climbing, energetic little boys!

"Is this ok mama?"

This picture cracks me up. He was sitting looking at pictures on my computer and listening to music. Amazingly he stayed this way (still!) for a few minutes.

"Uh, ok, how to I get down from here?" (Don't worry, we working on turning around and coming down backwards, just like stairs)

1 comment:

Marci said...

Oh so cute!! And yes,climbing is a given - I'm glad to see him figuring things out!