Monday, June 13, 2011

Liam | 8 Months

I'm a few days late again, but here's Liam at eight months. I know I say this every month, but it is crazy to me how fast he is growing up. Rob mentioned this morning that he seems more like a toddler every day, even though he isn't quite there yet. He is starting to develop funny little habits and enjoy exploring his world a lot more.

He is still a champ at the army crawl, but he can go a few paces up on his hands and knees. I don't know if he will ever prefer to crawl that way since he knows he can get to what he wants much faster army crawling, but at least he is trying. He is also trying to pull himself up on things, but we're noticing he is not a risk taker and often gives up or gets frustrated. He hasn't learned how to use both hands to pull up on things, I think because he is scared to let go of the ground.

Much to his papa's delight he started saying "ba-ba" this week, which Rob quickly counted as the first time he has put a consonant and vowel sound together. (He is a linguist after all!) We don't really think he means anything by it, but he seems excited to try out new sounds. We are teaching him some basic sign language and he seems curious about that as well.

Like his mama he loves food. He is happy to try anything I put on his tray, most recently black beans and bits of hardboiled egg. He gets very excited when he sees food coming! I am still nursing him about five times a day, but he eats solid food about three times a day. We think he is close to 20 pounds, but he is so long and lean that he doesn't seem that heavy to us.

As has been his nature since he was born practically, he is a busy, busy little boy. He is into everything and never stops moving. He is very, very curious about the world and wants to touch everything and of course put it in his mouth. Lately he has been learning things in the house that are no touch, namely shoes, plants and cords because they would go right into his mouth. Like most babies he is not so interested in his toys as he is in things that are not toys. For Liam this includes plastic cups, any kind of paper, cell phones, boxes and anything with a tag.

This is such a fun season of life and we are really enjoying it and enjoying our summer. It has been wonderful having Rob around so much and spending time together as a family. We are learning new things to do together and teaching Liam new things. We leave on Wednesday to head east for our week at the beach in Ocean City, NJ with my family. We are so excited for this trip. I remember thinking last year at this time when I was pregnant with Liam how different this year's beach trip would be and now it is upon us. Our packing list is much longer and it will be a different week for me, but I hope it will still be good. I think Liam will enjoy the beach, or the sand at least. Maybe not the cold Atlantic, but we'll see! I'm sure we will have many photos and videos when we return.

But for now, here are some eight month photos of Liam. For the next baby we are definitely getting those stickers or onesies with the numbers printed on them! Holding up a sign is just not working anymore. :)

"I'm eight months old!"

After many failed attempts to get more photos we just let him have what he's wanted all along.

Yum! Destroyed in about 2 seconds.

He couldn't even hold still long enough for me to take his photo while he "helped" with the laundry.

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