Monday, August 15, 2011

Liam | 10 Months

Clearly it is several days past Liam's ten month birthday, but we're committed now to taking these photos through one year so I thought I'd still post them. Even though it is a major chore to get him to sit still and get a decent photo!

Before the sign was spotted...

Spotted... "How fast can I get to that?"

"I want it papa!"

"I'm almost there!"

"Got it!"

After Liam was distracted with things that are not toys, we got this photo too. You can see the sign damage from earlier.

Sorry to all the Philly fans, this kid is half from Cincinnati too! Liam loves his drum too, just like his papa.

We are having so much fun these days with Liam. He is almost walking, but he still hasn't quite figured out how to get every body part in coordination with the others to move forward without holding on to anything. He is fast though at crawling and cruising on everything so he doesn't have any trouble getting around.

He is starting to communicate a lot more with us and "talk" to us. Often, he gives us looks that seem to say, "I'm talking to you, why can't you understand what I want?" He doesn't get frustrated though and most of the time it is just baby babble. He has learning to sign "more" and "all done" which he uses fairly well. He also understands very well the sign for "eat". The kid l o v e s to eat! He eats almost anything I put on his tray and would much rather feed himself than be fed, especially if baby food is on the other end of the spoon. Today he picked all the green beans out of a pile of white beans and avoided the white beans. He definitely knows what he likes! Fortunately for us that is almost everything.

He also understands many words and loves to listen to music and play his drum. It is fun to watch him learn new things every day.

He is growing up so much and really becoming a little boy before our eyes. We've enjoyed having the summer to spend together as a family and going on vacations with our extended families too. For the most part Liam has been a traveling champ, but he is definitely more like his mama than his papa and he does better at home with his own schedule, sleeping his own bed.

Our lives are about to change again with Rob going back to school in a few weeks so we will see how things go. We will miss him of course during the day, but maybe it will be good for us to get on a schedule of our own at home too. Before we know it Liam will be turning one!

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