Monday started off a little rough. I'd just come off a busy weekend with Encores and Liam had been at Mimi and Boppy's all weekend. He always needs a day or so to "readjust" to "real" life after being anywhere with family. Mama doesn't quite keep up the level of fun everyone else does! And it was snowing six inches...at the end of March.
To add to all that, Liam fell in his Sunday school class Sunday morning and had been complaining about his left wrist hurting. He wasn't putting any pressure on it and it seemed to get worse as the day went on. I called the doctor and we went in for an x-ray late in the afternoon. After waiting and being shuffled around, we got our x-ray. Liam was a champ the whole time, especially when he had to sit on another nurse's lap for the x-ray because I couldn't go in the x-ray room. Pregnancy and x-rays don't mix apparently. The initial reading of the x-ray didn't show a fracture, but the doctor still wanted him to wear a little splint on his wrist. He was pretty excited about that and didn't seem to mind the splint.
By the time we were done it was after 6:00, I was starving and did not want to go home and deal with raw chicken. Rob was with us by now so we stopped at home, picked up an Applebees gift card we had from Christmas and went out to a rare weeknight dinner.
After we ate and all felt better we got in the car and realized Bow Wow was missing. If you know anything about Liam you know how much he adores his Bow Wow. Bow Wow is one of those little blankies with a dog head on it. One way he goes to sleep is by rubbing Bow Wow's tags between his fingers. I usually never let Bow Wow leave the house because of the chance for him to go missing, but I thought with the x-ray it might be a comfort to him. We knew he'd had it when we left the doctor's office, but where it went after that we still don't know. We stopped in at the doctor's office, called Applebees and almost drove back across town to check the parking lot in the dark.
I was dreading bedtime, but we talked about it with Liam and I told him that I'd already ordered a new Bow Wow online that would come in the mail in a few days. {Parents, let this be a lesson to you. If your child has a special lovie like this, do not wait another day. Order an extra, or two, today and be prepared!} He also got to sleep with extra stuffed animals including papa's old teddy and that made him happier. Bedtime went a lot better than expected. At the end of the day I think I was more sad about losing Bow Wow. I told Rob I've read too many stories of stuffed animals that are alive and miss their owners. I kept thinking about Bow Wow being all alone in a cold, wet parking lot missing Liam. Clearly not the case, but still it was a little sad!
We are still waiting for the new Bow Wow to come, but the splint came off today and he's using his wrist normally again. I think it was probably just a minor sprain, but I'll chalk it up to our first childhood injury.
And, maybe more importantly we survived the Monday and learned some lessons along the way. Like buy back up lovies or don't let them leave the house in the first place!
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