Thursday, July 24, 2008

Simple Flowers and Joys

Last summer our landlords, James and Susan Allen, spent many hours in the flowerbeds surrounding our little home. What a treat to see so many friendly black eyed susans' coming up this summer! 

I also tried my hand at planting some seeds and was pleasantly surprised when my morning glories came up, twining themselves around the little arbor we have out front. Every morning I step out my front door to see how they are blooming. By the time we come home from work they are shriveled and hiding back inside themselves away from the heat of the day. They truly bear their name well.

It's funny how much joy I've gotten from my little flowers and plants this summer. Bright orange lilies, big pink cone flowers, and of course the aforementioned flowers. We even had a bright pink and purple honeysuckle plant! I didn't even know honeysuckles came in those colors. They all brightened my day and wished me well in the morning when I left my house and when I came home again in the afternoon. 

It's the simple joys in life I'm enjoying these days. And those joys are very good. 

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Woah! I didn't realize you had all this posts up! Sorry I've been missing!!!