Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Whirlwind that was June

I read another friend's blog yesterday and she commented about how June is perhaps the busiest month of the year. I'm sure it only gets worse when you have children and have to do things like buy teacher gifts and attend graduation parties, but even without children our June has been full! Hence the lack of blog posts too. :)

I wish I had some photos to put up here about our trip east to Ocean City, New Jersey, but unfortunately our internet at home is broken so I'm writing this from work and alas, no photos.

We did have a great time though hanging out with my family for a week despite some very weird cloudy days in OC. It was the strangest thing -- four days of clouds hanging out over the ocean while it was bright and sunny just a few miles inland. We made the most of it though and relaxed, read, and played games as a family. As always, it went too fast. This year though Rob and I took two extra days off work to celebrate our one year wedding anniversary on Monday. It is crazy to us that we have been married a year already! It honestly seems like yesterday we were doing all our plans and so excited to do life together. It has been such a great year and we're excited for many more to come.

For our anniversary we bought a hotel package that came with two tickets to Hershey Park. I grew up going to Hershey, but Rob had never been so we made a day of it Monday and had a blast. It wasn't very crowded so we were able to ride all my favorite roller coasters, some several times. It was a really fun day of hanging out and having some good time together.

So here we are and now it's July already. Why is it that summer always goes so much faster than months like February and March? I think it's a conspiracy designed by the cruel winter...

I'll try to get some photos up here soon!

1 comment:

Leanna said...

Kate, I love reading about your life updates via your blog. It makes me feel like I am right there with you. June for me was a CRAZY month. I'm looking forward to July as we settle into our new place :) It was wonderful to see you a week or two ago, you make me smile!