Saturday, March 26, 2011

Rice Cereal

When we returned from traveling we decided it was time to start Liam on rice cereal. He's been so interested in what we're eating (and strangely he is obsessed with watching me brush my teeth - maybe because he sees me putting something into my mouth?). While I thought I might exclusively breast feed him until he was six months old, I decided to go ahead and start the rice cereal anyway.

Rob missed the first time I fed him and I couldn't wait for him to be there the second time because Liam was so funny while he was eating. As you can see in the video below he is like a little bird, eagerly anticipating each bite. He eats the cereal like a champ and always acts like he wishes there was more. One of the funniest things in this video too is that he was wearing a bib, but when he was finished the bib was almost entirely clean, but we were wiping cereal from behind his knees. Ironic I know.

We love this child so much and I'm so thankful for him. He makes us laugh everyday, especially as he's getting older and developing his personality so much more.

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