Saturday, September 10, 2011

Liam | 11 Months

This has been a really fun month. Liam is growing in leaps and bounds and is really becoming a little boy now. I'm not sure how much he weighs, but my guess is probably about 23 pounds. He is very tall and seems to be growing upward every day. I've started noticing it more as he can now reach up to take stuff off the table. He is definitely tall like his papa.

This month he also started to take a few steps every now and then. He is getting braver, but he still doesn't like to let go of something he is holding on to and walk. Usually we have to stand him up and bribe him with a toy to walk to us. But he is so proud when he does take a few steps and we cheer for him. His record number of steps is about 11 or so. If he approaches walking anything like he did when he transitioned from the army crawl to real crawling, I'm expecting him to one day just start walking everywhere and not look back. Then I'm sure life will get really crazy!

Liam has always been a champion eater and that is no different now. At the mention of food or if we do the sign for "eat" he gets so excited and literally bounces up and down. He loves cheese and can actually say something that sounds very close to the word cheese. If I give him cheese it has to be the last thing on his tray because he would not eat anything else if I gave it to him first. For the most part he likes what I put on his tray, but he clearly has his favorites. He has almost stopped eating baby food -- he doesn't seem to like the texture or the fact that he can't do it himself anymore -- so we're feeding him mostly table food now. It seems like I am constantly trying to come up with new and varied foods to feed him. We tried tofu last week and that didn't go over very well. Even when I scrambled it with an egg he seemed to know it was weird. He doesn't eat a lot of meat so I'm always trying to find ways to give him protein, but apparently tofu is not it. He would probably eat it if I melted cheese on it though!

We've adjusted our schedule now that Rob is back in school so I am home with Liam all day and we see papa for a few hours in the evening. It has worked out well so far and Liam is happy to see papa when he comes home at the end of the day. So far our days at home haven't felt too long, but ask me again in the middle of winter when we can't go outside. We will miss walking for sure. We are also slowly transitioning down to one nap a day from two and so far it is not going well. Liam is not a great napper and so even if we do one nap a day it usually only ends up being an hour or so which makes him cranky in the afternoons. It is a long time until bedtime when he wakes up at 2. Hopefully that will start to smooth out in the next few weeks as we make the change.

We have so much fun with Liam, especially as we learn his personality more. We are discovering he is more of an extrovert like Rob in that he enjoys being around people and gets energy from them. I'm trying to have him spend more time around other kids too as he seems fascinated by older kids. If there are other people to see or play with he doesn't mind at all if I leave him in the nursery at church or with a friend. It is interesting and encouraging to see more of who he is becoming.

Part of that learning too is understanding what he can understand and having reasonable expectations for him. It amazes me how much he knows and how many words he can understand even if he can't talk back yet. However, he often looks at us when he's "talking" as if to say, "come on guys, why don't you get what I'm saying to you?" We have taught him some sign language and he can do most of it, although his signs for "more" and "ball" look very similar! I have no doubt he will be a prolific talker when he can talk.

It's hard to put in to words what this munchkin means to us, but it's a lot. I can't imagine life without him and the little person he is becoming. We are looking forward to celebrating his first birthday soon!

For now though, here are some recent photos.

We have to be so sneaky with the sign these days

For obvious reasons - it's like a magnet to his mouth

Standing up and taking steps...

And falling into mama

A recent post-bath mohawk

A very typical scene in my kitchen these days. Cabinets are so fascinating, but even more so are boxes with plastic bags that can be pulled out and strewn around. So fun for Liam. Not fun for mama!

This is a very typical face, especially when he really wants something, in this case the camera. I promise, this is a very happy face, not an evil face!

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